Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another week at BYU-IDAHO

Alright, so today went by fast!  But that is what happens with my schedule I guess.  I am learning that I have a love/hate relationship with my schedule.  Its funny when I tell people that basically Wednesdays are my Fridays, since I only have one class on Thursday which so far isn't hard, and they ask if I am taking like 5 credits, and I tell them 17, and they are shocked. Its amusing.  This week Wednesday literally was a Friday for me because my Thursday class got canceled, so it was so weird last night thinking that today was only Thursday. I like it. =]  So much.  It makes things a little lazy for me, but I am working hard!  Trying to get all my HW done by the weekends so I can have fun.   And I am getting much better at managing my time.  =]
Tonight  I went with a friend to a Writers Workshop which was fun- I realized that I really need to just go do more things that the school offers, and I enjoyed tonight and meeting new people!  It was fun. 
So yes.  Life here is good.  I am afraid that I am actually adjusting to the cold, because I have not been that cold lately.  Well, some days it is REALLY cold, then some days I am realizing how used to it I am getting.  Scary. Haha.  But it is all good.  I really just want to go and play in the snow!  Next week they have this thing called Pond Skimming, which is where people (normally dressing up in costumes) Slid down into like a pool of water or something and see how far they can skim.  It costs like $10 to do- but you get a free shirt.  BUT, it is free to watch- so I know a bunch of people who are gonna go watch people freeze, which I definitely plan on doing as well. =]  And I still need to go sledding and have a good snow ball fight.
But everything is going good!  Work is fine and school is good.  In like a month is my birthday, which is really exciting! =]  Definitely exciting!  
So yes.  Thats all for now! =]

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