Sunday, May 9, 2010

Chowchila land...

I have been here for two days. Don't have any pictures up- need to work on that. So far it has mostly been a lot of unpacking and getting organized and adjusted to things. Like, that the town is 17,00 in population...they have a riteaid, and that is really it. Which is funny, because even Rexburg has a walmart... that is a really small town to not even have a walmart. haha.
But Chowchila is not as bad as I first thought. It has sort of that little town charm. Not exactly star hollows, but a mix between that and Rexburg if it were closser to Mexico.
But we are close to a few big towns, and a temple 40 min away! Plus, Rite Aid has amazing ice cream. =] So I am ok.
Plus, it is my first home with my husband. That is fun to say. =]

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