Sunday, May 16, 2010

I get around

My wonderful sister Maureen got her mission call! =] She has been called to the Phoenix Arizona mission! She leaves June 23rd! My parents are picking her up from Utah as we speak to bring her home for the next month. I am so excited for her. =] And she is wonderful enough to leave me with her I am so grateful for a wonderful sister. But not just that...I know she will be a great missionary and I am so excited for her to be doing this! =] I love my sister Mimi.

Driving from Santa Maria to Chowchila a lot....
the drive, is not that pretty either.

It is quite simple. You drive north to Paso Robles. Turn and take the 41 past James Dean, veer left towards Fresno, past Kettlemen city- population of 1,000. And end at Chowchila. Golden Grass. Hills. Cows that smell. Scenery does not change once you get past Paso. Its quite sad

Yes.....It's nice to pass a piece of hollywood history.=]
It's funny driving with the dog, penny. She does not like cows.... so she will use the air vents in the car to smell where the cows are, and when we pass them she barks at them. It's quite entertaining.

We came home this weekend so I could participate in a Installation for Job's Daughters. It takes us about 3 hours to get home- well, a bit more than 3 but less than 4. It seems like a lot of work for some meeting....but I got fed out of it. =]

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