Sunday, September 25, 2011

Time for Something New

So, I am deciding to change blogs.
Or create/Start a new one.

I guess because I started this one when I started college as a way for my family and such people to keep track of me (in a sense) and to know what I was up to while at school.
But, my life has sort of change (for the better, of course) and I think I need to start a blog a new. Also, I have really almost totally abandoned this one and have no more desire to keep it up- so, I am shifting over here So, with my husband, new baby, and my new blog, we would like to welcome you to wonder on over to , to my new blog. =]
Thank you for reading!

Smile, because life is that good! (Also a link to my blog)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Just in case you wanted to know....

There is still no baby.

Due date: August 22nd (tomorrow!!!)
 I am SOOOOO excited for this baby to get here, I cannot tell you.

And not knowing the gender--> I LOVE IT.
It isn't hard.
Hardest part was saying 'no' at the 20 week ultra sound.
It is kinda lame not being able to pick out clothes, but lucky for me, my favorite color is yellow! =] So the baby better like it too.
And yes, it is making this last few moments of waiting more anxious for me, because I finally get to find out what it is! But that is kind of exactly what I was hoping for. Well, more that not knowing will make labor a bit more 'fun' (if that can happen....).


(sorry for the lack of baby pictures)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Life is wonderful.
Just saying.

Sorry I have no pictures.
I will soon!
I just wanted to say:

I had an AMAZING time in California with my family =]
(I missed Joe though =[ )
School has started
And I LOVE my husband. =]

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Just to let you know...

I am in the airport in Phoenix.
Waiting for my last flight home of my long journey.
I finally got internet.
And I am bored.
And I miss Joe, because now I have no one to give all my left over food to that I cannot eat. (That is not all- I really just miss him, especially when turbulence is scary and I have no one's hand to hold. And I miss him.)
And it is oddly hot.
And the Phoenix airport is HUGE! I got off at one terminal, and had to take a BUS to get to my next terminal.
Crazy, aye?
And supposedly, they are the friendliest.
But I am not sure about that.
Idaho was not so mean about making me put my laptop in its own container.
Just saying.

Friday, April 8, 2011

I'll be home....

In approximately 24 hours, I will be headed here:

Joyous moments will abound.
Baby Shower
Beach time
Family time
Sleeping time
Sun soaking in time

Yes. Good times. Good vibrations. =]

(P.S. Finals are over. 
And that normal relieved feeling is not exactly where I want it to be....huh. O-well.)

Friday, April 1, 2011


It is sunny.
It was WARM.
And, it is FRIDAY.
I am with Joseph. =]
This semester ends in ONE WEEK.
We are going to General Conference tomorrow (well, Sunday, but SLC tomorrow)
We will eat In-N-Out, visit REI, and make plans for the WONDERFUL Summer camping trips we are imagining =]
I bought Joe an early anniversary gift, (Epic Mickey), our first WII game (he likes it. =] )
I get to see BEAUTIFUL California in 8 days!!!!!!

Yes. =] Things are oh-so good today. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Firm Believer

I am a FIRM believer that 'pregnancy craving' is a pathetic excuse for women to eat whatever they want while pregnant.
Does it exist? No.
Do people have 'cravings' anytime OTHER than when they are pregnant? Yes.

I just wanted to rant.
Your body needs certain things. If you arn't getting enough protein, of course naturally your going to 'crave' peanut butter or a nice juicy steak.
If your not eating enough fruit, of course your going to want fruit!
It really, makes sense. Cognitive sense.
Just saying.
Just ranting.