Monday, January 31, 2011

Dear January,

I cannot wait for February.
It is just simply, an AMAZING month.
(It is even more so in High school, when just about EVERY monday you did not have school. =] Public education has its perks some times. =])
But, we here at BYU-I still get one monday off!!
I cannot wait.
Groundhog day! Valentines Day! These days normally do not mean very much, but this year, they seem to come with lots of joy. =] Especially valentines day.

And my BIRTHDAY!!!! =]
February always goes by so fast, making the school semester go by fast, and it ends on such a great day as my birthday!
I am excited. =]

Also, it means that the cold will be getting less cold, and I am SO SICK of the cold! =[ I do not know how to express it in any other way than tears.
I crave California.... just a week in April...then back to Rexburg, where, it will inevitably snow once more. =/

On the plus side:
Joe bought me a food scale. =]

On the down side:
Baby Ida makes it so I cannot go to the Hot springs. =[

Plus Side:
I am feeling at peace with school. =]

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Joe has decided to NOT be a chem minor.
Fine with me, everything is working out good. =] He had time to drop the class, add another, credits are good...
He is now talking disney world....who would have ever though that Disney would need someone in agriculture?
Apparently they do!

I, on the other hand, am taking my History 300 class much easier than it is.
Anyone ever heard of Lenord Arrington?
I need to research him and write a paper about him.
He is actually pretty cool. Known as "The father of Mormon History". Just so you know.
And another paper...that is big and I think I will end up writing something about Ag. Just cause, you know, I have such close connections and all. =]

Also, I need to start taking more pictures to make this more interesting...
I know, pictures just help.

I cannot wait for this.
You know, NO snow??? =]

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A little bit of life:

Joe is working in the STC (student technology center) at school. He gets a lot of hours at work, and is enjoying it. =]
I am a TA for a professor in the English department, and I LOVE it! It is an amazing opportunity, and it makes me happy. =]
Joe is thinking about changing his minor from Chemistry to Horticulture. (kinda funny- since he is already in Ag, but maybe not.)
I have 3 semesters left (including the one I am currently in). I am so close to being done!
We love the ward we are in. =]
The pups are doing great, Napoleon is even getting a bit more obedient, and he loves having other puppies to play with.

It is still cold. And it still snows.
But, we are pretty happy. =]
I hit 10 weeks today in the pregnancy! =] Pretty exciting I know!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Things that make me happy:

The pups. Especially when they play together.

Him. =]

And a few others:
Jamba Juice (this has become my best friend recently. I can always count on it to sound good when nothing else does.)
String Cheese (Fruit and dairy...pretty much all that sounds good. Plus Ritz =])
Good smelling candles
3 day weekends
Clean Kitchen
Letters from Mimi
Having pictures on our walls
Having a made bed with clean sheets
Having lots and lots of quarters for laundry
Having Homework done

yep. =]

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new

Got married =]
Went to school
Came to the belief that I am allergic to the heat..
Went to Mexico
Left my teenager years behind!
Got Mahoney =] Lost Mahoney =[
Got Napoleon =]
Had a sister leave for a mission
Got a whole new family
Moved 3 times, not counting staying at the parents
Had a WONDERFUL year =]

Gonna have a baby!