It is just simply, an AMAZING month.
(It is even more so in High school, when just about EVERY monday you did not have school. =] Public education has its perks some times. =])
But, we here at BYU-I still get one monday off!!
I cannot wait.
Groundhog day! Valentines Day! These days normally do not mean very much, but this year, they seem to come with lots of joy. =] Especially valentines day.
And my BIRTHDAY!!!! =]
February always goes by so fast, making the school semester go by fast, and it ends on such a great day as my birthday!
I am excited. =]
Also, it means that the cold will be getting less cold, and I am SO SICK of the cold! =[ I do not know how to express it in any other way than tears.
I crave California.... just a week in April...then back to Rexburg, where, it will inevitably snow once more. =/
On the plus side:
Joe bought me a food scale. =]
On the down side:
Baby Ida makes it so I cannot go to the Hot springs. =[
Plus Side:
I am feeling at peace with school. =]