Thursday, May 27, 2010


I drive joe to work, and the radio has become my new best friend as I drive back.

Today, they told me that it is processed meats, such as bacon and hot dogs, that lead to health problems- not red meat.
I knew it all along. I still like bacon.

Also, Cold stones has some Peanut Butter ice cream shake that is supposed to be the worst for you ever of drinks- containing over 2,000 calories, it has the sugar equivalent of eating 30 chocolate chip cookies.
That is a lot.

ALSO....I made split pea soup for dinner last night, because Joe has been requesting for it since about Thanksgiving.
I could not finish it- Joe loved it, I just find it hard to get past the fact that what you are eating looks like baby food. And the smell of "pork/ham" hauk disgusted me a lot.
I would prefer never to make it again.

ALSO ALSO....I was looking on craigs list for jobs, and they have a job listing for women 21-38 as surrogate mothers. Just 9 more moths...

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